How many meals+snacks do you have in a day?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Eastern Island to the United States

In the Easter Island the people civilized and destroyed the island. The once lush green land was destroyed by humans’ ambition to rise to the top and be the best. They over used the resources and tampered with nature to fit their need too much. Since their society didn’t grow fast enough and they wouldn’t gain metal tool farming wasn’t sufficient enough. With the lack of food and supplies these lead the large downfall to the great complex civilization. By basing their culture around wealth and power thus lead to not only the destruction of the culture but to the nature which dwelled there long before they settled. The use of statues were overrated and seemed conceded. To waste so much extra food which could have been used to grow their great civilization? 50-500 men to move a huge rock some place else, what a waste. A rock is a rock and it served no purpose to their survival. The “rock” only lead to the separation of classes and the down fall of men. They do so much to carve and move a large rock and not spend more time fishing in deeper sea levels. They also trusted one person to make things all better, by trusting one person which you can make the change yourselves if they spend more time on the “rock” then their own food and health.

This is connected to our civilization since we grow more to fill our pocket with riches than with food. We treat our animals in an abuse and bread a super germ which can survive the antibiotics. We create war and poison which kills more nature than do harm to the human population. Destroying un-renewable resources for silly personal gains like driving 5 block or using hair products which harm out air. Soon the domestic animals will be wiped out like many species on the Easter Island and we wont be able to grow as much food. We will become savages and fight each other for survival and there is no turning back. Out population has gotten so large that we have to make artificial food, our workers get hurt doing unsafe paid jobs like the men pulling the “rock” and getting their fingers cut off. Our workers getting their fingers cut off making food for out too big and still growing population. The Eastern Island soil eroding and our soil un-useable unless chemically made fertilizer is used. We as a nation is plummeting like the Eastern Island and with out artificial technology we wouldn’t survive, soon our technology will be outdated and we wont be able to save ourselves.

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