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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Folk Culture's Messages on the Good and Meaningful Life - Online advice from regular folks

folk messages
there are many different folk messages in life and how they are portrayed in the Internet, Andy showed us the different messages that we see like how to be the "perfect" boy friend or girlfriend, or how to do this in your life so you don't fail. Different things come from the different people around us like how to get "good" grades in school, things that others see as important and plants it in to our mind like its a necessity of life.

i looked at two videos, on YouTube and there were contradictory messages helps some messages also, one video showed how to cheat on your exam and it was telling you to get good grades in school but not to work hard so there are some folk messages people are sending out that go against the main fold messages and is more marginal.

there were also a couple other videos that show message to people in their average life giving thoughts about how to do this but only in a certain way and not in any other way. this shows how people are trying to tell you how to live your life in steps and how to do something good and not take the bad route.

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