How many meals+snacks do you have in a day?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Collapse Assignment 2 - Short and Smart

I think there is a possible collapse in our everyday life, with prices changing unsteadily and people changing the way the live and spend money to conserve and save. our old world is falling apart and a new age is coming, maybe with or with our humans. there is many things that affect us each day and by changing one of those things over a period of time could affect how we all should live a good and meaningful life to the end.

in class we mainly focused on the oil peak and the way it has affected our society growth. because of this prediction the non-renewable resource of fossil fuel will whither and dry. then out life's which has been mainly based around oil will collapse and a better or worse world will grow from this. "exports from any particular nation can drop to zero disturbingly quickly." Peak Oil Primer there were three scenario's which Andy Snyder said could happen around this point,
-drastic decline where all the oil will run out fast and people will fight over the resources
-steady decline where the fossil fuel will run out steadily and lead to a collapse with nothing done about it
-a loop where we will cut our dependency of fossil fuel slowly and lead to a better or same society with out the use of much oil.
Many people are preparing for the oil peak but since it has most likely happened some preparations will be a necessity, since in our would we humans like to waste and use up extra resources, since we think their will be plenty more somethings like raising oil awareness will not help the cause but only waste more oil.

In the 4 Corners Video video they saw it is because we are unprepared , or they are hoping that the oil peak will happen a few decades from now. Because of our fast growing population also affect how this world uses oil, the more people there is the more oil is needed to help the live. Some of the experts there also state that they thought the oil prices will plumed down back to 30 dollars a barrel but it new reached that low, instead others think there isn't enough investment to drill the resources we need to fuel the economy.

But in class i still wonder what else in this world will bring out downfall, like Easter island it was their over use and waste of resources which fuel their everyday lives. but i think there was some other unknown reason which bring the great civilizations down to the murder and killing of each other. Andy Snyder talked about how a solar flare might wipe out all of the earth electricity and without power the world would slowly fall back and to the more calmer and less fossil fuel dependent time the world is like today. There should be more reason and some of them could come before the world runs low on oil and we might turn out to what Easter island looks like: i barren waste land with short trees and few wild life.

Today we depend on our resources to fuel our lives and we are just wasting it in mindless squabbles, until we can find the reason to fix this problem with no real consumption of a lot of oil it will save our society and it is inevitable since we are all stuck in this endless cycle and when ever we try to break out of this cycle we just fall back in and waste more resources.

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