How many meals+snacks do you have in a day?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Food Cultures At Home

Americans today most say they have no time to eat at home but spend a lot of time looking around to find a crowded restaurant to eat dinner at. "no" time so we also visit these fast food restaurants and take up so much space by ourselves. We mostly eat alone while sitting in a restaurant or order take out and sit in front of the television stuffing our faces. In the movies or television shows most Americans in the city eating take out or sitting there with TV dinners watching the tube, and occasionally eating as a family. Many people today would eat lots of meat like burgers and hot dogs, the couple student i interviewed favorite foods were fast food you can buy at a stand or a fast food chain. Main stream corporate culture supports this type of culture because they are getting a lot of money and don't really care about the public health.

In my family we eat a verity of food for breakfast lunch and dinner. there are all these different types of flavors in our Chinese culture. mostly my grad parents and father cooks dinner and we kids help out as a family. at dinner we go against the main way to eat in America, since we eat healthy with a balance of meat, fish, grain, and vegetables. we eat as a family sharing what happened during our day and other small talk. after dinner we have homemade soup and fruits. we useally take about 1 hour to eat dinner to bond more as a family. the foods we normally cook is not like the typical main American culture but when out side i fall closer to the main culture. since it is hard to bring home food outside with no way to heat it up i am stuck with eating greasy foods like pizza and burgers for lunch on weekdays. even though i try to balance the fat with vegetables and fruits but i am still eating these bad foods. whenever it is not dinner time we usally cook our own foods at home but it is still the same verity like our dinner. i guess you could say we rarly eat fried foods as a family, only when ever we go out to the beach and eat barbecues. my family in general lens to the non main stream but with school lunch i lean more to the main stream than them.

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