How many meals+snacks do you have in a day?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break Emotion HW

Through out the whole vacation i felt emotional healthy since it is all in our minds and there is no one moment i felt less emotionally healthy. The only one that can "think" they are emotionally healthy or not is themselves and not anyone else, many people get their emotions mixed up because emotions overlap each other and no one can feel the true emotion with out any side effects from the others. A person can classify a emotion because of memory, but they can never feel the same emotion twice, it is always different depending on the different situations. We use the different emotion names to place these emotions in this category but since we are all simple minded animals we can never "feel" two emotions at the same time, only the stronger one will be noticed by our current state. We also classify the intensity if the emotion with different words even though they all mean the same thing. There is no emotional health because it is all a myth in my eyes and i think we are always emotionally healthy since everyone needs to experience all different kinds of emotions and intensity's in order to grow.
The therapy's we researched only contradicts what I think is emotional health, the therapy's want to find the source of the problems or give a "fake" answer to cover over the real problem. Since emotions can never be remembered exactly twice after that moments, and only what you think you are feeling can be remembered. By not seeing the real emotion at that time allows therapist to exploit other people to make them belive this is the problem and they can help you find the solution.

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