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Friday, April 24, 2009

Health Project

Through out this health project it allowed me think about what health really was. to my conclusion i saw health as only two different categories, physical and mental. the five different healths was all a myth in my eyes and if you believed int hem it was all in your head. All these constant emotions the makes humans very simple minded to others, we show compassion to other things more than we show to each others and some people might think that is unhealthy to your mind but i think if you think its right than it is healthy. No one else can make any judgements to what you consider healthy or unhealthy.
As one base their health on different things like moral and spiritual it is all the make others think about how different they are from each others. who can follow the rules set by society to be healthy. each person can think they are healthy in their own mind and no one can tell them that they are not, it's just another brain washing by the culture and all who follow it. as we talk in class and all these different points came up about should you save the child or the car, each person had the same reasoning to save one but it was only simple minded thinking and no further thinking about what can happen after. either save the car since its like your life of sweat and blood, or save the child which is like your own. no one ever thought about selling the car to save more children's lives instead of that one life. this is also showing how we think 4 years to a child's life is only worth 200 dollars and that very simple minded to. people say a life is priceless, but then why do we sell others if its so priceless.
When we talked about moral health i though everyone is right and all the things we think is wrong was affected by the culture which made us think its wrong. which ever path a person chooses its the right path and they think its right even though a person might say other wise.
Emotions also play a big part in our health, even though you have different emotions they can all be called the same or different things. many emotions cover up each other so there can never be one name since a person is feeling more than one emotion at once. to feel all emotions is good but to force it out to feel that way if bad, it should just be natural, unlike alot of stuff made in this world. like products are artificial but it is better natural. No two emotion is alike, like every human there is always something different.
Physical and mental health is all that matters in my option since all the other healths revolve around it and its two basic concepts. both need balance to be overall healthy, if one is "unhealthy" than it will affect a persons overall health.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...

Please revise. Some good thoughts in here that are worth expressing more clearly and cleanly.