over all i though this paper was good and hard to edit since it was all your thoughs sorry it was late but i had to eat dinner
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How many meals+snacks do you have in a day?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Collapse Assignment 2 - Short and Smart
I think there is a possible collapse in our everyday life, with prices changing unsteadily and people changing the way the live and spend money to conserve and save. our old world is falling apart and a new age is coming, maybe with or with our humans. there is many things that affect us each day and by changing one of those things over a period of time could affect how we all should live a good and meaningful life to the end.
in class we mainly focused on the oil peak and the way it has affected our society growth. because of this prediction the non-renewable resource of fossil fuel will whither and dry. then out life's which has been mainly based around oil will collapse and a better or worse world will grow from this. "exports from any particular nation can drop to zero disturbingly quickly." Peak Oil Primer there were three scenario's which Andy Snyder said could happen around this point,
-drastic decline where all the oil will run out fast and people will fight over the resources
-steady decline where the fossil fuel will run out steadily and lead to a collapse with nothing done about it
-a loop where we will cut our dependency of fossil fuel slowly and lead to a better or same society with out the use of much oil.
Many people are preparing for the oil peak but since it has most likely happened some preparations will be a necessity, since in our would we humans like to waste and use up extra resources, since we think their will be plenty more somethings like raising oil awareness will not help the cause but only waste more oil.
In the 4 Corners Video video they saw it is because we are unprepared , or they are hoping that the oil peak will happen a few decades from now. Because of our fast growing population also affect how this world uses oil, the more people there is the more oil is needed to help the live. Some of the experts there also state that they thought the oil prices will plumed down back to 30 dollars a barrel but it new reached that low, instead others think there isn't enough investment to drill the resources we need to fuel the economy.
But in class i still wonder what else in this world will bring out downfall, like Easter island it was their over use and waste of resources which fuel their everyday lives. but i think there was some other unknown reason which bring the great civilizations down to the murder and killing of each other. Andy Snyder talked about how a solar flare might wipe out all of the earth electricity and without power the world would slowly fall back and to the more calmer and less fossil fuel dependent time the world is like today. There should be more reason and some of them could come before the world runs low on oil and we might turn out to what Easter island looks like: i barren waste land with short trees and few wild life.
Today we depend on our resources to fuel our lives and we are just wasting it in mindless squabbles, until we can find the reason to fix this problem with no real consumption of a lot of oil it will save our society and it is inevitable since we are all stuck in this endless cycle and when ever we try to break out of this cycle we just fall back in and waste more resources.
in class we mainly focused on the oil peak and the way it has affected our society growth. because of this prediction the non-renewable resource of fossil fuel will whither and dry. then out life's which has been mainly based around oil will collapse and a better or worse world will grow from this. "exports from any particular nation can drop to zero disturbingly quickly." Peak Oil Primer there were three scenario's which Andy Snyder said could happen around this point,
-drastic decline where all the oil will run out fast and people will fight over the resources
-steady decline where the fossil fuel will run out steadily and lead to a collapse with nothing done about it
-a loop where we will cut our dependency of fossil fuel slowly and lead to a better or same society with out the use of much oil.
Many people are preparing for the oil peak but since it has most likely happened some preparations will be a necessity, since in our would we humans like to waste and use up extra resources, since we think their will be plenty more somethings like raising oil awareness will not help the cause but only waste more oil.
In the 4 Corners Video video they saw it is because we are unprepared , or they are hoping that the oil peak will happen a few decades from now. Because of our fast growing population also affect how this world uses oil, the more people there is the more oil is needed to help the live. Some of the experts there also state that they thought the oil prices will plumed down back to 30 dollars a barrel but it new reached that low, instead others think there isn't enough investment to drill the resources we need to fuel the economy.
But in class i still wonder what else in this world will bring out downfall, like Easter island it was their over use and waste of resources which fuel their everyday lives. but i think there was some other unknown reason which bring the great civilizations down to the murder and killing of each other. Andy Snyder talked about how a solar flare might wipe out all of the earth electricity and without power the world would slowly fall back and to the more calmer and less fossil fuel dependent time the world is like today. There should be more reason and some of them could come before the world runs low on oil and we might turn out to what Easter island looks like: i barren waste land with short trees and few wild life.
Today we depend on our resources to fuel our lives and we are just wasting it in mindless squabbles, until we can find the reason to fix this problem with no real consumption of a lot of oil it will save our society and it is inevitable since we are all stuck in this endless cycle and when ever we try to break out of this cycle we just fall back in and waste more resources.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Eastern Island to the United States
In the Easter Island the people civilized and destroyed the island. The once lush green land was destroyed by humans’ ambition to rise to the top and be the best. They over used the resources and tampered with nature to fit their need too much. Since their society didn’t grow fast enough and they wouldn’t gain metal tool farming wasn’t sufficient enough. With the lack of food and supplies these lead the large downfall to the great complex civilization. By basing their culture around wealth and power thus lead to not only the destruction of the culture but to the nature which dwelled there long before they settled. The use of statues were overrated and seemed conceded. To waste so much extra food which could have been used to grow their great civilization? 50-500 men to move a huge rock some place else, what a waste. A rock is a rock and it served no purpose to their survival. The “rock” only lead to the separation of classes and the down fall of men. They do so much to carve and move a large rock and not spend more time fishing in deeper sea levels. They also trusted one person to make things all better, by trusting one person which you can make the change yourselves if they spend more time on the “rock” then their own food and health.
This is connected to our civilization since we grow more to fill our pocket with riches than with food. We treat our animals in an abuse and bread a super germ which can survive the antibiotics. We create war and poison which kills more nature than do harm to the human population. Destroying un-renewable resources for silly personal gains like driving 5 block or using hair products which harm out air. Soon the domestic animals will be wiped out like many species on the Easter Island and we wont be able to grow as much food. We will become savages and fight each other for survival and there is no turning back. Out population has gotten so large that we have to make artificial food, our workers get hurt doing unsafe paid jobs like the men pulling the “rock” and getting their fingers cut off. Our workers getting their fingers cut off making food for out too big and still growing population. The Eastern Island soil eroding and our soil un-useable unless chemically made fertilizer is used. We as a nation is plummeting like the Eastern Island and with out artificial technology we wouldn’t survive, soon our technology will be outdated and we wont be able to save ourselves.
This is connected to our civilization since we grow more to fill our pocket with riches than with food. We treat our animals in an abuse and bread a super germ which can survive the antibiotics. We create war and poison which kills more nature than do harm to the human population. Destroying un-renewable resources for silly personal gains like driving 5 block or using hair products which harm out air. Soon the domestic animals will be wiped out like many species on the Easter Island and we wont be able to grow as much food. We will become savages and fight each other for survival and there is no turning back. Out population has gotten so large that we have to make artificial food, our workers get hurt doing unsafe paid jobs like the men pulling the “rock” and getting their fingers cut off. Our workers getting their fingers cut off making food for out too big and still growing population. The Eastern Island soil eroding and our soil un-useable unless chemically made fertilizer is used. We as a nation is plummeting like the Eastern Island and with out artificial technology we wouldn’t survive, soon our technology will be outdated and we wont be able to save ourselves.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Final Food Assignment
Here in America we as people have been waging war not only on our self but against mother nature her self. As our technology increase so does our power over the natural elements. Especially in modern agriculture we have used technology against ourselves and against the cycles of life. By creating new technology we have ran over and manipulated the laws of nature with unnatural creations. We use to treat our own kind the same way but we find it "unjust", then what is really justice.
In the book Omnivores Dilemma it talks about how we are eating the remains of the world war. In world war two poison gas was created by Germany in order to win battles and the murder thousand of innocent people. this has been converted and changed into the thing we used today as pesticide. it poisons and kills nature in order to grow big "fresh" crops to feed our vast growing population. We as humans mark it as unjust to use biological warfare on each other since it is harmful and hazers. But we have not stopped using it on the nature itself. my keeping our own population alive and lowing other populations only puts the world balance unequal.
Every thing is apart of nature and whatever is done to one is done to all.
In the book there was also chemically made fertilizer, how we don't let the soil replenish it self but we inject it in to the soil it self. as humans we inject unnatural chemicals in to our body's to make us look better or feel better like steroids. it make the person feel better but once it begins they can never stop, like the soil. once natural but tainted and now's there is no turning back.
By looking at animal cruelty and the meatrix videos we enslave nature and make it do out bidding. back then when many different civilizations were enslaved by the whites they treated them poorly to gain the highest profit, and they killed them when they have no more use for them. animals in large farms are treated poorly, with small spaces and feed non organic food. they are harmed to grow and to be sold, as long as they can still bring a profit to the company. like slave we don't care if they have disorders or are sick, once their time comes they will be killed. its all in human nature to hurt the weak, with slaves or with mistreated animals. as long as there is a large reward at the end of the road, we wont care who we hurt to get there.
in the "zooooom" video it shows massive machines used to plant and harvest the thousands of plants. it like tanks running over others, the giant wheels trampling over plants and soil giving it no time to re fertilize and to bring the company more profit.
this act of war aganist nature is unjust either way, we dont stop this since it helps us curently but our food system is horiable. what we do to ourselfs we also do it to nature and it harms us all in different ways.
Here in America we as people have been waging war not only on our self but against mother nature her self. As our technology increase so does our power over the natural elements. Especially in modern agriculture we have used technology against ourselves and against the cycles of life. By creating new technology we have ran over and manipulated the laws of nature with unnatural creations. We use to treat our own kind the same way but we find it "unjust", then what is really justice.
In the book Omnivores Dilemma it talks about how we are eating the remains of the world war. In world war two poison gas was created by Germany in order to win battles and the murder thousand of innocent people. this has been converted and changed into the thing we used today as pesticide. it poisons and kills nature in order to grow big "fresh" crops to feed our vast growing population. We as humans mark it as unjust to use biological warfare on each other since it is harmful and hazers. But we have not stopped using it on the nature itself. my keeping our own population alive and lowing other populations only puts the world balance unequal.
Every thing is apart of nature and whatever is done to one is done to all.
In the book there was also chemically made fertilizer, how we don't let the soil replenish it self but we inject it in to the soil it self. as humans we inject unnatural chemicals in to our body's to make us look better or feel better like steroids. it make the person feel better but once it begins they can never stop, like the soil. once natural but tainted and now's there is no turning back.
By looking at animal cruelty and the meatrix videos we enslave nature and make it do out bidding. back then when many different civilizations were enslaved by the whites they treated them poorly to gain the highest profit, and they killed them when they have no more use for them. animals in large farms are treated poorly, with small spaces and feed non organic food. they are harmed to grow and to be sold, as long as they can still bring a profit to the company. like slave we don't care if they have disorders or are sick, once their time comes they will be killed. its all in human nature to hurt the weak, with slaves or with mistreated animals. as long as there is a large reward at the end of the road, we wont care who we hurt to get there.
in the "zooooom" video it shows massive machines used to plant and harvest the thousands of plants. it like tanks running over others, the giant wheels trampling over plants and soil giving it no time to re fertilize and to bring the company more profit.
this act of war aganist nature is unjust either way, we dont stop this since it helps us curently but our food system is horiable. what we do to ourselfs we also do it to nature and it harms us all in different ways.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
optional assignment on Omnivore's Dilemma
Chapter two: The Farm
~Starting from where we left off as a class on section 4 of chapter two~
One of the most important parts though out the chapter after section three was the point which we are eating fertilizers and pesticides which are chemically made, which is based on poison gas from world war II. And now we don't need a large supply of sunlight because of this new technology powered by fossil fuel. "By fertilizing the world, we are altering the planet's composure of species and shrink its biodiversity." (P.47)
Because of the break through of fertilizers and technology, it allows a farmer to produce a lot of corn and keep using the same land over and over again. But the supply and demand of the different people wont take corn for a high price and more, since it is a lot easier to harvest and grow it. Since many farmers cant make a very decent living with so much corn being produced, a new farm law is established and the farmers will take a loan from the government to store their crops till the prices raise again.
in the sage of purdue when America was exporting tons of produce to other nations it vastly increased the income of the farmers, but after a year the prices became too high that no one in America could afford to buy much anymore. thus lead to not enough food being sold, which also affected the farmers since they couldn't sell they cant produce anymore and created a vast decline of certain products. so Butz said "fencerow to fencerow"... "get big or get out" (P.52) which they advise the farmers to make more to help lower the prices on the food.
Every year the corn price and grain falls and farmers are going in dept, since there is so small prices farmers are making more corn to sustain their living styles. "Iowa grain elevators were paying $1.45, so a typical Iowa farmer is selling corn for a dollar less than it takes him to grow it. Yet the corn keeps coming, more of it every year." (P.53) How can some farmers continue working with out getting into dept?
There was no real explanation of how George avoided dept.
Why do farmers want to put in more dept if they make more corn?
Does any of this cheap corn have to do with the technology to plant and reap it?
How are the supermarkets faring with the farmers going into dept?
This shows how even the lowest food group as in corn affects the society highly when in trouble. The technology we use to plant and reap this produce also makes me wonder why we make much if its going to cause many farmers to go bankrupt, and run out of land in the future, since it is fueling the population to expand even faster. By also using all these chemicals we are having a war with the earth and we are winning since we take all its fertility to make food and plant more food and spray and cover it with artificial chemicals.
Kate-[May 24th, 2009 9:35am]
Wells in the book the farmers are told that they must grow more crops to produce more food, to sustain their life styles. But with more crops each year the more they have to use, so it's an endless cycle, that's why they cant break out of it. but unlike the farmers of today some farmers don't use the land more than twice every couple of years to refresh the nutrients, and that's a way they can break out of it. To answer the question all you have to do is look at their shoes and how they sustain life; even if there was a better solution this would be worst especially with the growing population and the high demand for produce. what do you think now?
John- [May 24th 2009 5:50pm]
i think Kate is trying to say that we don't need the non-refundable parts of nature. the unlimited that all manipulate is just the soil, everything else we can make by chemical's. even though we are eating chemicals all we are doing now is altering their DNA so lots of fresh ripe fruit and vegetables come out perfectly. there is no harm to us, since if other animals and plants can survive it so can we. if we don't have these chemicals how can we sustain this vast population and continue to improve technology.
~Starting from where we left off as a class on section 4 of chapter two~
One of the most important parts though out the chapter after section three was the point which we are eating fertilizers and pesticides which are chemically made, which is based on poison gas from world war II. And now we don't need a large supply of sunlight because of this new technology powered by fossil fuel. "By fertilizing the world, we are altering the planet's composure of species and shrink its biodiversity." (P.47)
Because of the break through of fertilizers and technology, it allows a farmer to produce a lot of corn and keep using the same land over and over again. But the supply and demand of the different people wont take corn for a high price and more, since it is a lot easier to harvest and grow it. Since many farmers cant make a very decent living with so much corn being produced, a new farm law is established and the farmers will take a loan from the government to store their crops till the prices raise again.
in the sage of purdue when America was exporting tons of produce to other nations it vastly increased the income of the farmers, but after a year the prices became too high that no one in America could afford to buy much anymore. thus lead to not enough food being sold, which also affected the farmers since they couldn't sell they cant produce anymore and created a vast decline of certain products. so Butz said "fencerow to fencerow"... "get big or get out" (P.52) which they advise the farmers to make more to help lower the prices on the food.
Every year the corn price and grain falls and farmers are going in dept, since there is so small prices farmers are making more corn to sustain their living styles. "Iowa grain elevators were paying $1.45, so a typical Iowa farmer is selling corn for a dollar less than it takes him to grow it. Yet the corn keeps coming, more of it every year." (P.53) How can some farmers continue working with out getting into dept?
There was no real explanation of how George avoided dept.
Why do farmers want to put in more dept if they make more corn?
Does any of this cheap corn have to do with the technology to plant and reap it?
How are the supermarkets faring with the farmers going into dept?
This shows how even the lowest food group as in corn affects the society highly when in trouble. The technology we use to plant and reap this produce also makes me wonder why we make much if its going to cause many farmers to go bankrupt, and run out of land in the future, since it is fueling the population to expand even faster. By also using all these chemicals we are having a war with the earth and we are winning since we take all its fertility to make food and plant more food and spray and cover it with artificial chemicals.
Its like the quote in the book "men have become tools of their tools. With not needing sunlight anymore and using fertilizers made from nitrogen and a bunch of other things, we have put our hands in the fact that all these things will keep working for us... Do you think you have an idea to why they continue to use all the new products knowing all the consequences? ~KateE.
Kate-[May 24th, 2009 9:35am]
Wells in the book the farmers are told that they must grow more crops to produce more food, to sustain their life styles. But with more crops each year the more they have to use, so it's an endless cycle, that's why they cant break out of it. but unlike the farmers of today some farmers don't use the land more than twice every couple of years to refresh the nutrients, and that's a way they can break out of it. To answer the question all you have to do is look at their shoes and how they sustain life; even if there was a better solution this would be worst especially with the growing population and the high demand for produce. what do you think now?
I would disagree with your last segment about not needing nature on our side. I believe that nature is needed even if we have all of these chemical enhancers. The ground itself gets exhausted and loses all of it's minerals if it keeps getting planted over and over on. Even if we have chemical fertilizers, these chemically grown corn is extremely bad for us. Think about it we're consuming chemicals in a different form. We do need nature, we manipulate nature but we end up shortening our lives. ~John
John- [May 24th 2009 5:50pm]
i think Kate is trying to say that we don't need the non-refundable parts of nature. the unlimited that all manipulate is just the soil, everything else we can make by chemical's. even though we are eating chemicals all we are doing now is altering their DNA so lots of fresh ripe fruit and vegetables come out perfectly. there is no harm to us, since if other animals and plants can survive it so can we. if we don't have these chemicals how can we sustain this vast population and continue to improve technology.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Food Recipe
This is a quick and very easy recipe. It's best to make this recipe about 2 -3 hours prior to serving, to let the flavors meld together. Best if served chilled, with vegetables or crackers.
Hummus is one the oldest foods in the world. It is said to have been documented over 6000 years ago. You can find hummus in health food stores across the USA. This type of food is fun to make because it is simple and quick. Hummus nowadays is more of a dip than a main course, but there are areas in the world that it is the main course of a meal. The main ingredient in hummus is the chickpea.
Hummus is high in vitamin C as well as Iron. It is also a good source of protein as well as fibre. This is the type of food that vegetarians has as one of their staples as they don't get protien from meat. The flavor of the chickpea is nutty and is good on salads.
For this recipe, we'll consider it a dip rather than the main course. Its recipes like this one is when it would be a good idea to have a food processor. Its not neccessary mind you, but its nice. You can also use a blender either way will work just fine. The ingredients for hummus dip as follows:
1 can of Chick Peas(Garbanzos - spanish) 16 oz.
1/2 small white onion(bermuda is also good)
1 clove of garlic
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Drain liquid from can of chick peas, pour peas in your blender. Mash the garlic and insert in blender, the olive oil and salt and pepper. If you have the instant blend button use that and blend the ingredients to a puree texture, add the diced onion and do a quick blend. I prefer the onion kinda chunky. You should put in a tupperware type dish, cover and let the ingredients meld together getting cold. This allows the hummus to be more flavorful.
Open dish and enjoy on your favorite cracker with cheese slices, vegetables or bread. The best thing about this recipe is you can put anything that you want in with the main ingredients. That way the end result can taste any way you desire, put walnuts or even fruit. You are the Chef.
-after eatting this i felt happy but not full since it was very light with no meat or heavy grains-
Hummus is one the oldest foods in the world. It is said to have been documented over 6000 years ago. You can find hummus in health food stores across the USA. This type of food is fun to make because it is simple and quick. Hummus nowadays is more of a dip than a main course, but there are areas in the world that it is the main course of a meal. The main ingredient in hummus is the chickpea.
Hummus is high in vitamin C as well as Iron. It is also a good source of protein as well as fibre. This is the type of food that vegetarians has as one of their staples as they don't get protien from meat. The flavor of the chickpea is nutty and is good on salads.
For this recipe, we'll consider it a dip rather than the main course. Its recipes like this one is when it would be a good idea to have a food processor. Its not neccessary mind you, but its nice. You can also use a blender either way will work just fine. The ingredients for hummus dip as follows:
1 can of Chick Peas(Garbanzos - spanish) 16 oz.
1/2 small white onion(bermuda is also good)
1 clove of garlic
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Drain liquid from can of chick peas, pour peas in your blender. Mash the garlic and insert in blender, the olive oil and salt and pepper. If you have the instant blend button use that and blend the ingredients to a puree texture, add the diced onion and do a quick blend. I prefer the onion kinda chunky. You should put in a tupperware type dish, cover and let the ingredients meld together getting cold. This allows the hummus to be more flavorful.
Open dish and enjoy on your favorite cracker with cheese slices, vegetables or bread. The best thing about this recipe is you can put anything that you want in with the main ingredients. That way the end result can taste any way you desire, put walnuts or even fruit. You are the Chef.
-after eatting this i felt happy but not full since it was very light with no meat or heavy grains-
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Omnivores Diemma
In the book Omnivores Diemma, the author says that America doesn't have a main food culture, and we follow others and all the "experts" tell us what we should eat. America went through a red meat only phase because many said it makes you "healthier". We base it on what others eat since we are all followers and if people are eating that we feel the urge to follow. But by looking at America we are not just one big culture and has been around for many centuries to develop a main food culture. France and Italy has been around for a long time and was just like America in the past, but the main difference is the many types of cultures coming together and sharing the different cultures with others. Since there are many different ways to eat coming from all over the world its like that's our main food culture to share with your culture with others and to experience many different cultures. Even though people try and create new cultures like the Atkins diet (where you only eat red meat and no fruits or grains) it messes with our main culture and over powers it, but there is still a main culture, just not seen as a whole. Even though this is an example of a good diet it also has some negatives if your don't do all the parts, the Atkins diet has you eat all this fat but if you can work off the extra fat it will show results. But since America just sits around and be lazy the fat isn't burned and it affects America in the long run. America has a big food culture of many put together to share becasue of our wide verity of people but taking many new cultures the wrong way is a cover up and hides the real culture today.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Food Habits
By looking at the chart of vegetables, grains, roots, nuts, and fruits from school, i eat 47 of the foods on the list per week. I eat many different kinds of fruits and vegetables and grains but not ass many roots and nuts (mostly rice and bread). I like having a wide verity of foods since there are so many things in the world to try and many flavors to mixed to create new emotions of sensations. Every week by eating many verity of organic food allows me also not to be picky at the different foods i eat. My family doesn't go to the typical American grocery store but mostly stands with just either produce or meat found in Chinatown. There is many different things to pick from it and i learn how to pick out good fruits and vegetables by watching my family do it. We all share cooking for each others in lunch and breakfast and share work evenly but for dinner out Grandparents cook for us since they are the most experienced with cooking a large verity of foods.
--Grocery store trip--
what information can you get from a grocery story?
You can gather the nutritional facts about the different foods and the categories they do in.
How does the store display its stuff to make you want to buy more?
The store display foods as children items more near the bottom and the adult items more near the top, they put a lots of one brand of a kind items on sale but still make a profit, they also only put the things that don't sell as much on sale and some things that sell a lot on sale so it makes people want to buy it more.
How should parents help their kids appreciate a wide verity of fruits and vegetables?
I don't think parents should force kinds to eat more fruits and vegetables since kids should be able to eat what they want but no too much. Parents should just offer it to the kids at dinners as a side dish and encourage them but not make them want to eat it, parents could also buy a big verity of lay them out in different weeks to see which one they like the most and the child could eat that fruit or vegetable more.
How many verity of one particular item is on sale? (of an item you normally get from the store.)
23 different types of assorted nuts
--Grocery store trip--
what information can you get from a grocery story?
You can gather the nutritional facts about the different foods and the categories they do in.
How does the store display its stuff to make you want to buy more?
The store display foods as children items more near the bottom and the adult items more near the top, they put a lots of one brand of a kind items on sale but still make a profit, they also only put the things that don't sell as much on sale and some things that sell a lot on sale so it makes people want to buy it more.
How should parents help their kids appreciate a wide verity of fruits and vegetables?
I don't think parents should force kinds to eat more fruits and vegetables since kids should be able to eat what they want but no too much. Parents should just offer it to the kids at dinners as a side dish and encourage them but not make them want to eat it, parents could also buy a big verity of lay them out in different weeks to see which one they like the most and the child could eat that fruit or vegetable more.
How many verity of one particular item is on sale? (of an item you normally get from the store.)
23 different types of assorted nuts
Sunday, May 3, 2009
May Day
The Holiday states that we shouldn't spend all our time worrying about money and work when there are much more important things in life. It tells us to break free from our daily routine on working and earning money to buy materialistic items and celebrate our lives a better and brighter way. To me May Day has some significance than other holidays, it still has a purpose in this world and not what the culture tells use to do. Since there was no way of manipulating it to their advantage it was replaced in America with Labor Day. This one day that people can be free from each other and live more closer to animals and others. There are no corporate chain holding everyone down, it is all freedom. Unlike what Kate says about how the government will "meddle" into out lives and take away our rights, but people can decide to take the day off if they wanted it, there can always be a reason, May Day or Labor day should still have it values even though it is covered with lies and deception from the world. In Marco's blog he talks about how learning other countries histories is good but we as animals may not agree with each others and will try and change it because we think it "right". People can celebrate what they want if it is related to other countries or not but if people don't want to and wanna continue thinking this lie is the truth it's their moral path and we can change it no matter what we do, no power in the world can change a humans moral path of what they celebrate. Human cant live in a world where we all have one history and one path. May day is like that since we all cant celebrate it because the world can't take the truth of the true meaning behind it.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Food Journal
April 28th-
Dinner:at for 40mins
Steamed chicken
Steamed Vegetable
Steamed Fish
Steamed Rice
Apple Soup
Dinner around table with small talk about our day and whats going to happen tomorrow.
Ate with chopsticks
No elbows on table
Grandparents cooked rest set up the table
No feeling changed before and after meal
Food comes from different markets in Chinatown and around home
April 29th-
Breakfast:Ate for 20mins
At table studying
Ate with spoons
Normal grace
I made myself
No feelings before and after
Food from Markets
Lunch:Ate for 30mins
Jia Min
Yu xi
Bao lin
At with fork and knife
Had small talk about how the day was going and what we might plan to do in future
Felt alittle happier after lunch
Normal grace
Food made by school
Food was from big chain producer
Snack:Ate for 30mins
Ate with napkin
Watched TV
Checked Homework
Normal grace
No difference in feeling before and after
Food not cooked
From market in Chinatown
Dinner:Ate for 1hour
Boiled Fish
Steamed Vegatables
Steamed Shrimp
Stir fried beef
Bean soup
Dinner around table with small talk about our day and whats going to happen tomorrow.
Ate with chopsticks
No elbows on table
Grandparents cooked rest set up the table
No feeling changed before and after meal
Food comes from different markets in Chinatown and around home
Dinner:at for 40mins
Steamed chicken
Steamed Vegetable
Steamed Fish
Steamed Rice
Apple Soup
Dinner around table with small talk about our day and whats going to happen tomorrow.
Ate with chopsticks
No elbows on table
Grandparents cooked rest set up the table
No feeling changed before and after meal
Food comes from different markets in Chinatown and around home
April 29th-
Breakfast:Ate for 20mins
At table studying
Ate with spoons
Normal grace
I made myself
No feelings before and after
Food from Markets
Lunch:Ate for 30mins
Jia Min
Yu xi
Bao lin
At with fork and knife
Had small talk about how the day was going and what we might plan to do in future
Felt alittle happier after lunch
Normal grace
Food made by school
Food was from big chain producer
Snack:Ate for 30mins
Ate with napkin
Watched TV
Checked Homework
Normal grace
No difference in feeling before and after
Food not cooked
From market in Chinatown
Dinner:Ate for 1hour
Boiled Fish
Steamed Vegatables
Steamed Shrimp
Stir fried beef
Bean soup
Dinner around table with small talk about our day and whats going to happen tomorrow.
Ate with chopsticks
No elbows on table
Grandparents cooked rest set up the table
No feeling changed before and after meal
Food comes from different markets in Chinatown and around home
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Food Cultures At Home
Americans today most say they have no time to eat at home but spend a lot of time looking around to find a crowded restaurant to eat dinner at. "no" time so we also visit these fast food restaurants and take up so much space by ourselves. We mostly eat alone while sitting in a restaurant or order take out and sit in front of the television stuffing our faces. In the movies or television shows most Americans in the city eating take out or sitting there with TV dinners watching the tube, and occasionally eating as a family. Many people today would eat lots of meat like burgers and hot dogs, the couple student i interviewed favorite foods were fast food you can buy at a stand or a fast food chain. Main stream corporate culture supports this type of culture because they are getting a lot of money and don't really care about the public health.
In my family we eat a verity of food for breakfast lunch and dinner. there are all these different types of flavors in our Chinese culture. mostly my grad parents and father cooks dinner and we kids help out as a family. at dinner we go against the main way to eat in America, since we eat healthy with a balance of meat, fish, grain, and vegetables. we eat as a family sharing what happened during our day and other small talk. after dinner we have homemade soup and fruits. we useally take about 1 hour to eat dinner to bond more as a family. the foods we normally cook is not like the typical main American culture but when out side i fall closer to the main culture. since it is hard to bring home food outside with no way to heat it up i am stuck with eating greasy foods like pizza and burgers for lunch on weekdays. even though i try to balance the fat with vegetables and fruits but i am still eating these bad foods. whenever it is not dinner time we usally cook our own foods at home but it is still the same verity like our dinner. i guess you could say we rarly eat fried foods as a family, only when ever we go out to the beach and eat barbecues. my family in general lens to the non main stream but with school lunch i lean more to the main stream than them.
In my family we eat a verity of food for breakfast lunch and dinner. there are all these different types of flavors in our Chinese culture. mostly my grad parents and father cooks dinner and we kids help out as a family. at dinner we go against the main way to eat in America, since we eat healthy with a balance of meat, fish, grain, and vegetables. we eat as a family sharing what happened during our day and other small talk. after dinner we have homemade soup and fruits. we useally take about 1 hour to eat dinner to bond more as a family. the foods we normally cook is not like the typical main American culture but when out side i fall closer to the main culture. since it is hard to bring home food outside with no way to heat it up i am stuck with eating greasy foods like pizza and burgers for lunch on weekdays. even though i try to balance the fat with vegetables and fruits but i am still eating these bad foods. whenever it is not dinner time we usally cook our own foods at home but it is still the same verity like our dinner. i guess you could say we rarly eat fried foods as a family, only when ever we go out to the beach and eat barbecues. my family in general lens to the non main stream but with school lunch i lean more to the main stream than them.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Health Question
Two Part Question:
a> Why do people grow their own foods?
b> Why do people plant foods from foreign nations and not food from the natural land?
People say that if they grow food themselves and not have it shipped from across seas that it is more energy conserving and more natural. NY times is a organization trying to make awareness of growing your own food with shortage of resources, but that food which is grown could be from other nations and not foods grown from this land. it like how we domesticate animals and move them across seas and changing the ecosystem of that land, as shown in asci.
a> Why do people grow their own foods?
b> Why do people plant foods from foreign nations and not food from the natural land?
People say that if they grow food themselves and not have it shipped from across seas that it is more energy conserving and more natural. NY times is a organization trying to make awareness of growing your own food with shortage of resources, but that food which is grown could be from other nations and not foods grown from this land. it like how we domesticate animals and move them across seas and changing the ecosystem of that land, as shown in asci.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Refrigerator Assignment
In my fridge i have:
Apple Juice
Bamboo Shoot
Strawberry Apple Sauce
This list of foods shows that my family live a pretty healthy life style. This show our Chinese culture and the kind of ingredients we use to prepare dinner. We mostly eat at home everyday except for family gatherings, since all the food in home cooked it has no extra fat or unneeded oil. We eat alot of fruit more than any junk food after dinner. we have a verity of food every night and it is all pretty balanced. I think america eat too much food outside of their homes which cause what people think are "health problems".
Apple Juice
Bamboo Shoot
Strawberry Apple Sauce
This list of foods shows that my family live a pretty healthy life style. This show our Chinese culture and the kind of ingredients we use to prepare dinner. We mostly eat at home everyday except for family gatherings, since all the food in home cooked it has no extra fat or unneeded oil. We eat alot of fruit more than any junk food after dinner. we have a verity of food every night and it is all pretty balanced. I think america eat too much food outside of their homes which cause what people think are "health problems".
Friday, April 24, 2009
Health Project
Through out this health project it allowed me think about what health really was. to my conclusion i saw health as only two different categories, physical and mental. the five different healths was all a myth in my eyes and if you believed int hem it was all in your head. All these constant emotions the makes humans very simple minded to others, we show compassion to other things more than we show to each others and some people might think that is unhealthy to your mind but i think if you think its right than it is healthy. No one else can make any judgements to what you consider healthy or unhealthy.
As one base their health on different things like moral and spiritual it is all the make others think about how different they are from each others. who can follow the rules set by society to be healthy. each person can think they are healthy in their own mind and no one can tell them that they are not, it's just another brain washing by the culture and all who follow it. as we talk in class and all these different points came up about should you save the child or the car, each person had the same reasoning to save one but it was only simple minded thinking and no further thinking about what can happen after. either save the car since its like your life of sweat and blood, or save the child which is like your own. no one ever thought about selling the car to save more children's lives instead of that one life. this is also showing how we think 4 years to a child's life is only worth 200 dollars and that very simple minded to. people say a life is priceless, but then why do we sell others if its so priceless.
When we talked about moral health i though everyone is right and all the things we think is wrong was affected by the culture which made us think its wrong. which ever path a person chooses its the right path and they think its right even though a person might say other wise.
Emotions also play a big part in our health, even though you have different emotions they can all be called the same or different things. many emotions cover up each other so there can never be one name since a person is feeling more than one emotion at once. to feel all emotions is good but to force it out to feel that way if bad, it should just be natural, unlike alot of stuff made in this world. like products are artificial but it is better natural. No two emotion is alike, like every human there is always something different.
Physical and mental health is all that matters in my option since all the other healths revolve around it and its two basic concepts. both need balance to be overall healthy, if one is "unhealthy" than it will affect a persons overall health.
As one base their health on different things like moral and spiritual it is all the make others think about how different they are from each others. who can follow the rules set by society to be healthy. each person can think they are healthy in their own mind and no one can tell them that they are not, it's just another brain washing by the culture and all who follow it. as we talk in class and all these different points came up about should you save the child or the car, each person had the same reasoning to save one but it was only simple minded thinking and no further thinking about what can happen after. either save the car since its like your life of sweat and blood, or save the child which is like your own. no one ever thought about selling the car to save more children's lives instead of that one life. this is also showing how we think 4 years to a child's life is only worth 200 dollars and that very simple minded to. people say a life is priceless, but then why do we sell others if its so priceless.
When we talked about moral health i though everyone is right and all the things we think is wrong was affected by the culture which made us think its wrong. which ever path a person chooses its the right path and they think its right even though a person might say other wise.
Emotions also play a big part in our health, even though you have different emotions they can all be called the same or different things. many emotions cover up each other so there can never be one name since a person is feeling more than one emotion at once. to feel all emotions is good but to force it out to feel that way if bad, it should just be natural, unlike alot of stuff made in this world. like products are artificial but it is better natural. No two emotion is alike, like every human there is always something different.
Physical and mental health is all that matters in my option since all the other healths revolve around it and its two basic concepts. both need balance to be overall healthy, if one is "unhealthy" than it will affect a persons overall health.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Spring Break Emotion HW
Through out the whole vacation i felt emotional healthy since it is all in our minds and there is no one moment i felt less emotionally healthy. The only one that can "think" they are emotionally healthy or not is themselves and not anyone else, many people get their emotions mixed up because emotions overlap each other and no one can feel the true emotion with out any side effects from the others. A person can classify a emotion because of memory, but they can never feel the same emotion twice, it is always different depending on the different situations. We use the different emotion names to place these emotions in this category but since we are all simple minded animals we can never "feel" two emotions at the same time, only the stronger one will be noticed by our current state. We also classify the intensity if the emotion with different words even though they all mean the same thing. There is no emotional health because it is all a myth in my eyes and i think we are always emotionally healthy since everyone needs to experience all different kinds of emotions and intensity's in order to grow.
The therapy's we researched only contradicts what I think is emotional health, the therapy's want to find the source of the problems or give a "fake" answer to cover over the real problem. Since emotions can never be remembered exactly twice after that moments, and only what you think you are feeling can be remembered. By not seeing the real emotion at that time allows therapist to exploit other people to make them belive this is the problem and they can help you find the solution.
The therapy's we researched only contradicts what I think is emotional health, the therapy's want to find the source of the problems or give a "fake" answer to cover over the real problem. Since emotions can never be remembered exactly twice after that moments, and only what you think you are feeling can be remembered. By not seeing the real emotion at that time allows therapist to exploit other people to make them belive this is the problem and they can help you find the solution.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Psychotherapy Homework
Existential Psychotherapy:
By looking at existential therapy i think about how these people go about trying to help others, even though this is the best solution each therapist has a different theory to how he/she is going to solve a problem. Different people has different needs but there shouldn't be a very wide verity of choices, it is just like covering the real problem with a mask. This just alludes the person and then noting will get done, i am not saying that it is always wrong to do this but that it just needs some work.
Depression Guide
By looking at existential therapy i think about how these people go about trying to help others, even though this is the best solution each therapist has a different theory to how he/she is going to solve a problem. Different people has different needs but there shouldn't be a very wide verity of choices, it is just like covering the real problem with a mask. This just alludes the person and then noting will get done, i am not saying that it is always wrong to do this but that it just needs some work.
Depression Guide
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Q&A On Health Internet Research
1. Was pranks/April fools made to mess up our mental health?
The origin of pranks unknown and the reason it was created is also unknown but the origin of April Fool has two theory's. Either it is to mark the beginning of the spring planing season, or or other old stories from different tribes and places. No information about pranks messing with your mental health.
2. Does society base our health by only physical health?
Yes it does because many tips are about taking care about your physical body to stay healthy and nothing about mental, emotional and social health.
How to stay healthy
3. What are the main health problems?
There are many problems for the different causes of health issues, but they all deal with a human instigation. For example a main health problem is effects of pesticides. EPA
Others can also be found from these sites listed below:
4. How can you tell if a family live a long and healthy life?
National Institutes of Health says that if there are more than 2 people in your family or family history that lived longer than the age of 80 then there is a high chance your family has a healthy life style that passes on from generation to generation.
National Institutes of Health
5. What can non natural births do to the babies?
About a 50 percent chance that the babies will have Asama Rather then natural births. Science Daily
96-97 percent chance a baby is born healthy and 3-4 percentage chance a baby will get birth defect. Children's Hospital Boston
The origin of pranks unknown and the reason it was created is also unknown but the origin of April Fool has two theory's. Either it is to mark the beginning of the spring planing season, or or other old stories from different tribes and places. No information about pranks messing with your mental health.
2. Does society base our health by only physical health?
Yes it does because many tips are about taking care about your physical body to stay healthy and nothing about mental, emotional and social health.
How to stay healthy
3. What are the main health problems?
There are many problems for the different causes of health issues, but they all deal with a human instigation. For example a main health problem is effects of pesticides. EPA
Others can also be found from these sites listed below:
4. How can you tell if a family live a long and healthy life?
National Institutes of Health says that if there are more than 2 people in your family or family history that lived longer than the age of 80 then there is a high chance your family has a healthy life style that passes on from generation to generation.
National Institutes of Health
5. What can non natural births do to the babies?
About a 50 percent chance that the babies will have Asama Rather then natural births. Science Daily
96-97 percent chance a baby is born healthy and 3-4 percentage chance a baby will get birth defect. Children's Hospital Boston
Friday, February 20, 2009
LDH2BM - Break HW - Living Funeral Reflection
When i was writing this list of people i was thinking about who has helped me through my life, and all their teachings. I didn't think of who eased my pain but who taught me lessons of how to live, or how to do something at that moment in time, the ones important to give me life lessons which i was to dumb to realize at that time, not being able to see the true meaning behind the lesson and to incorporate it into how i live and progress to the future. looking at this list show how many different type of people i have come by and learned from, and how their views are all alike and all different in their own way. People usually put down their "closest" friends or family members, but i think that there is more than close friends from recient but they can be from long ago too.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Answers to best questions about old folks? (Edited)
Old Folks and Social Interactions:
Best 10 questions
1.what % of old folks are sexually interactive?
approximately 53.3% of old people still have sex USA Today
2.can a old folk stay healthy and fit?
it is proven that old folks health is controlled by their control over their activities. it helps reduce their level of stress and increases their immune systems and nerves system Science AAAS
3.what % of old people try and regain their youth?
The majority, 55 percent, of older persons are women; among the over 80, having knowledge that both their youth and their age will be seen as a burden. Questia Journal Article
4.what are common life styles of old people?
A two- or three-factor combination of non-smoking, vegetable consumption, and social activity. Science Direct
5.what % of old folks still takes risks in their life?
not a total percentage is found, but a large amount old folks takes risk in passing HIV to others, iol
Lifestyle of Old Folks:
1.How much does a nursing home cost?
One year in a nursing home can cost between $26,000-$37,000. This is a cost per day of $71.00 - $101.00. The average stay is approximately two and one half years. Due to inflation, the rates are increasing an average of about 2%-5% per year. Find Law
2. What percentage of old people live alone?
63% of most women who live alone are 55 or older, 34% of men who live alone are 55 and older. BNET
3.What is old peoples place in society?
-Answer Unknown-
4.How does aging affect one’s mindset/perspective of the world?
One would want to reach for a higher education, like about "love". Article
5.How much money is spent on the last two weeks of life?
-Answer Unknown-
Medical Issues:
1.What percentage of old people get dementia?
23.4 percent CIND to 4.8 percent dementia for people 65 and older NIA(National Institute on Aging)
2.What is the most common illness among old people?
The six most common illnesses among old people, no particular order is given, are chronic lung disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, pneumonia and gastrointestinal illness.
Medical News Today
3.What is the Humans Average Life Span?
The Average Life Span is about 77.5 Years Wiki Answers
4.What % of Old Folks don't tkae their medication?
About 40-75 Percent of old folks don't take pills at the right time Plueblo
5.What percentage of old people are disabled?
Around 26.5% of old folks over the age of 65 are diabled. That ranges from 1-2 Million old folks. Urban Institute
By taking questions from others and from my group, i see how finding the life syles of old people are harder and more opionated then medical and social interactions. By looking at all the different answers, some might be wrong or right depending on where to look, like if it is only in a small study, or in a certian area. Old folks are very generalized in this society and many people want to change them by making them "feel" younger and making them change their life syles or their minds.
Best 10 questions
1.what % of old folks are sexually interactive?
approximately 53.3% of old people still have sex USA Today
2.can a old folk stay healthy and fit?
it is proven that old folks health is controlled by their control over their activities. it helps reduce their level of stress and increases their immune systems and nerves system Science AAAS
3.what % of old people try and regain their youth?
The majority, 55 percent, of older persons are women; among the over 80, having knowledge that both their youth and their age will be seen as a burden. Questia Journal Article
4.what are common life styles of old people?
A two- or three-factor combination of non-smoking, vegetable consumption, and social activity. Science Direct
5.what % of old folks still takes risks in their life?
not a total percentage is found, but a large amount old folks takes risk in passing HIV to others, iol
Lifestyle of Old Folks:
1.How much does a nursing home cost?
One year in a nursing home can cost between $26,000-$37,000. This is a cost per day of $71.00 - $101.00. The average stay is approximately two and one half years. Due to inflation, the rates are increasing an average of about 2%-5% per year. Find Law
2. What percentage of old people live alone?
63% of most women who live alone are 55 or older, 34% of men who live alone are 55 and older. BNET
3.What is old peoples place in society?
-Answer Unknown-
4.How does aging affect one’s mindset/perspective of the world?
One would want to reach for a higher education, like about "love". Article
5.How much money is spent on the last two weeks of life?
-Answer Unknown-
Medical Issues:
1.What percentage of old people get dementia?
23.4 percent CIND to 4.8 percent dementia for people 65 and older NIA(National Institute on Aging)
2.What is the most common illness among old people?
The six most common illnesses among old people, no particular order is given, are chronic lung disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, pneumonia and gastrointestinal illness.
Medical News Today
3.What is the Humans Average Life Span?
The Average Life Span is about 77.5 Years Wiki Answers
4.What % of Old Folks don't tkae their medication?
About 40-75 Percent of old folks don't take pills at the right time Plueblo
5.What percentage of old people are disabled?
Around 26.5% of old folks over the age of 65 are diabled. That ranges from 1-2 Million old folks. Urban Institute
By taking questions from others and from my group, i see how finding the life syles of old people are harder and more opionated then medical and social interactions. By looking at all the different answers, some might be wrong or right depending on where to look, like if it is only in a small study, or in a certian area. Old folks are very generalized in this society and many people want to change them by making them "feel" younger and making them change their life syles or their minds.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Questions about old folks
Old Folks and Social Interactions:
1.how common does an old person interact with a person around 15 years old?
2.what % of old folks are sexually interactive?
3.what % of old folks wear toupees?
4.how much do old people (not in a retirement home) interact with other old people?
5.what do old people do for fun?
6.what % of old people try and regain their youth?
7.are there different stages with social interactions?
8.what are common life styles of old people?
9.when do old folks give up on life and just stay at home?
10.can a old folk stay healthy and fit?
11.what % of old folks live to the cooperate culture expiation of them?
12.what % of old folks want to be truly young again after experiencing ageing
13.what % of old folks still takes risks in their life?
14.what % of old people try and adapt to the new "in"?
15.what % of old people try and bring in the "in" of their time to world?
1.how common does an old person interact with a person around 15 years old?
2.what % of old folks are sexually interactive?
3.what % of old folks wear toupees?
4.how much do old people (not in a retirement home) interact with other old people?
5.what do old people do for fun?
6.what % of old people try and regain their youth?
7.are there different stages with social interactions?
8.what are common life styles of old people?
9.when do old folks give up on life and just stay at home?
10.can a old folk stay healthy and fit?
11.what % of old folks live to the cooperate culture expiation of them?
12.what % of old folks want to be truly young again after experiencing ageing
13.what % of old folks still takes risks in their life?
14.what % of old people try and adapt to the new "in"?
15.what % of old people try and bring in the "in" of their time to world?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Paragraph of what i think about old folks:
Through my perception i think old folks are different in many ways to each other and to the newer working generation. I feel that old folks are posed as smelly, cranky, and annoying of how they talk about the old days, but old people are more than that, even though some might be. Some old people want to be alone because they have noting to live for and they are old what they never really wanted to reach in their lives. some old folks are very caring and try to make the best of their lives by teaching other about what they went though. Some old folks try and adapt to the new "in" while others try and change that "in" and bring back the "old". Old folks interact with others in different ways but never always the same, it could be with other old folks, people in their neighborhood or the common place where they do, event heir family frequently show how old folks interact with others. Old folks have different perspectives in life but not just one in my eyes.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Questions for old people: (edit with-) interview with old people
Questions i would ask an old person about a good and meaningful life:
1. What do you think is a good and meaningful life?
2. How has your perspective changed throughout time, of what you care about?
3. Do you think society has changed for the better? Why, and if not how can we change that?
4. Do you think you experienced a lot in your life? How meaningful was your experience? Why?
5. If you can change something in the past or present to make your life better, what would you change? Why?
Possible people to interview:
>-My Dad<
-My Grand Father/Mother
-My Grand Ma
Interview with my dad!(2/5/2009 12:07am)
1. "success and being polite, and success in my career, and also my family is happy is what i think is meaningful."
2. "always the same perspective over the time"
3. "of course society didn't change for the better because life is harder and harder, and making life is not easy right now."
4. "of course yes because i been going to experience more then one cycle, down turn and up turn on the economics. Even though i have experienced a lot of different things, i still try my best to provide the best for my family, and i believe if you think you can do it you can."
5. "i would prefer if i can change to put more time in my school work, so when you have education you can have a better future, then my life wouldn't be so difficult right now."
Interview with my Aunt!(2/8/2009 6:05pm)
1. "Have a happy family, that keep in touch, shares ups and downs. Be joyful and healthy.
2. "I realize how much education is important toward the future. If i have a change i would like to start over again. that would give me a better career, of course."
3. "weeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllll... to me not really, to me it is about the same, it has up and downs , some times its good and some times is bad, it depends on what year."
4. "I don't think i have experienced enough, i would want to fast more challenges, so i could accomplish more."
5. "Like i said i would like to start my education again, and i would want to raise my children in a better neighborhood."
Interview with my Uncle!(2/8/2009 10:19pm)
1. a decision human being that is helpful in society, you got to be a good example to other people, that's why i try to be a example to others, that's what i think is a good and meaningful life. try and change some people to change their lives that is a meaningful thing.
2.well as time go by, material stuff is not important anymore, as you grow older u lean that M stuff is not important any more, how you care about your family is more important,
3. uhh... society is not change for the better, you have to be, people have to be, you have to show or do some good deed to change someones life, you have to show an example to make people lives better.
4. well... i would say i experienced a lot, you learn that life is most important, whats important to you, to learn from your mistakes and never look back. look forward to the future. i mean i think everything teaches a lesson, and learn from your experience.
5. i guess i would try tiffent things and study something i would like but normally wouldn't change tings but i would if i could.
1. What do you think is a good and meaningful life?
2. How has your perspective changed throughout time, of what you care about?
3. Do you think society has changed for the better? Why, and if not how can we change that?
4. Do you think you experienced a lot in your life? How meaningful was your experience? Why?
5. If you can change something in the past or present to make your life better, what would you change? Why?
Possible people to interview:
>-My Dad<
-My Grand Father/Mother
-My Grand Ma
Interview with my dad!(2/5/2009 12:07am)
1. "success and being polite, and success in my career, and also my family is happy is what i think is meaningful."
2. "always the same perspective over the time"
3. "of course society didn't change for the better because life is harder and harder, and making life is not easy right now."
4. "of course yes because i been going to experience more then one cycle, down turn and up turn on the economics. Even though i have experienced a lot of different things, i still try my best to provide the best for my family, and i believe if you think you can do it you can."
5. "i would prefer if i can change to put more time in my school work, so when you have education you can have a better future, then my life wouldn't be so difficult right now."
Interview with my Aunt!(2/8/2009 6:05pm)
1. "Have a happy family, that keep in touch, shares ups and downs. Be joyful and healthy.
2. "I realize how much education is important toward the future. If i have a change i would like to start over again. that would give me a better career, of course."
3. "weeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllll... to me not really, to me it is about the same, it has up and downs , some times its good and some times is bad, it depends on what year."
4. "I don't think i have experienced enough, i would want to fast more challenges, so i could accomplish more."
5. "Like i said i would like to start my education again, and i would want to raise my children in a better neighborhood."
Interview with my Uncle!(2/8/2009 10:19pm)
1. a decision human being that is helpful in society, you got to be a good example to other people, that's why i try to be a example to others, that's what i think is a good and meaningful life. try and change some people to change their lives that is a meaningful thing.
2.well as time go by, material stuff is not important anymore, as you grow older u lean that M stuff is not important any more, how you care about your family is more important,
3. uhh... society is not change for the better, you have to be, people have to be, you have to show or do some good deed to change someones life, you have to show an example to make people lives better.
4. well... i would say i experienced a lot, you learn that life is most important, whats important to you, to learn from your mistakes and never look back. look forward to the future. i mean i think everything teaches a lesson, and learn from your experience.
5. i guess i would try tiffent things and study something i would like but normally wouldn't change tings but i would if i could.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Folk Culture's Messages on the Good and Meaningful Life - Online advice from regular folks
folk messages
there are many different folk messages in life and how they are portrayed in the Internet, Andy showed us the different messages that we see like how to be the "perfect" boy friend or girlfriend, or how to do this in your life so you don't fail. Different things come from the different people around us like how to get "good" grades in school, things that others see as important and plants it in to our mind like its a necessity of life.
i looked at two videos, on YouTube and there were contradictory messages helps some messages also, one video showed how to cheat on your exam and it was telling you to get good grades in school but not to work hard so there are some folk messages people are sending out that go against the main fold messages and is more marginal.
there were also a couple other videos that show message to people in their average life giving thoughts about how to do this but only in a certain way and not in any other way. this shows how people are trying to tell you how to live your life in steps and how to do something good and not take the bad route.
there are many different folk messages in life and how they are portrayed in the Internet, Andy showed us the different messages that we see like how to be the "perfect" boy friend or girlfriend, or how to do this in your life so you don't fail. Different things come from the different people around us like how to get "good" grades in school, things that others see as important and plants it in to our mind like its a necessity of life.
i looked at two videos, on YouTube and there were contradictory messages helps some messages also, one video showed how to cheat on your exam and it was telling you to get good grades in school but not to work hard so there are some folk messages people are sending out that go against the main fold messages and is more marginal.
there were also a couple other videos that show message to people in their average life giving thoughts about how to do this but only in a certain way and not in any other way. this shows how people are trying to tell you how to live your life in steps and how to do something good and not take the bad route.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day
In Obama's speech today shows how much he thinks we can change in America and how we can mark history with a new beginning. Many people waited for this moment in time, and many though it wouldn't happen in this life time, but this new hope is not going through the layers of walls built of dominate corporate and folk messages that goes against what he is trying to prove. By telling people that "WE" will fix these problems at the end and he will follow through on his plans shows how much America will depend on him to fix these messages. He talked about slavery of all the different non white cultures, and how they were put in slavery to earn easy money, and now how we as people have changed and we as America has changed to fit a better nation.
He is giving us a message that we as a "world" or as the human race can join together and fix this problem. He is building up the hopes and will of many to fuel his plan and is manipulating their emotions to get his "ideas" going. To tell people this is the land of the free and we can do anything if we work together. How many others before him tried use this same method and shape others mind to fit the leaders views.
The different bands that was playing for him before he spoke shows the slow sappy beginning then loud ending, to show the America people and how to act, from sad to happy, depressing times to happy times.
This is what today showed me and how things might not really be looking up for the better but i might be wrong.
He is giving us a message that we as a "world" or as the human race can join together and fix this problem. He is building up the hopes and will of many to fuel his plan and is manipulating their emotions to get his "ideas" going. To tell people this is the land of the free and we can do anything if we work together. How many others before him tried use this same method and shape others mind to fit the leaders views.
The different bands that was playing for him before he spoke shows the slow sappy beginning then loud ending, to show the America people and how to act, from sad to happy, depressing times to happy times.
This is what today showed me and how things might not really be looking up for the better but i might be wrong.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Essay draft 4
Thesis: Society today is intertwined with messages of how to live a meaningful life from different cultures.
Humans today want to tell others how to make their live more meaningful, or how to make their lives more meaningless. Stories are passes down to tell morals of how to live your life, and others are telling you to do "this" to express how to make a better life by gathering some other junk, but our lives aren't meaningful because we think it is out of our own willpower, it is meaningful because of the corruption from the fold and corporate messages around us. By filtering the difference between the messages, we can see how the dominate, sub themes are different and can analysis how to live our lives as told by others.
Humans today want to tell others how to make their live more meaningful, or how to make their lives more meaningless. Stories are passes down to tell morals of how to live your life, and others are telling you to do "this" to express how to make a better life by gathering some other junk, but our lives aren't meaningful because we think it is out of our own willpower, it is meaningful because of the corruption from the fold and corporate messages around us. By filtering the difference between the messages, we can see how the dominate, sub themes are different and can analysis how to live our lives as told by others.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Folk Culture Holiday Analysis
1. Pick a holiday that you find particularly interesting that is practiced by the majority of people in the U.S.
Independence day
2. Analyze the messages of the holiday in regards to the valuable and meaningful aspects of life.
To enjoy the freedom our founding fathers wanted us to have
To spend money in order to enjoy this time of peace
3. Consider dress codes, participants, music, activities, food, etc to offer a deeper analysis than merely the "official message" of the holiday.
Country color's "red, white and blue"
Watch the firework show, eat hot dogs or fired food (barbecue's)
this shows how we are suppose to spend money on this day of peace and how we as America should consume more than an average person should on this day with fatty foods. To celebrate the freedom of the while people and not all of us and to draw away their freedom with cheaper products on "sale" and flashy fireworks. Spend time with your family and enjoy the freedom which we have today.
4. Explore contradictory messages within the holiday.
All people are "free" in America from this day on, but it was only attended for white males by the fathers of America, not every race or gender only a small group of people.
Go against oppression but people every day is being oppressed by others in America and we can't fight back against it.
5. Identify aspects of our culture's emphases on "the good and meaningful life" that receive support or challenge from the holiday you've selected.
Be free and don't let the system hold you down. (marginal message) like MLK day to fight against oppression. Like most hoiladays to spend time with your family but to spend it shopping is to spend time away, unless you have family shopping.
Independence day
2. Analyze the messages of the holiday in regards to the valuable and meaningful aspects of life.
To enjoy the freedom our founding fathers wanted us to have
To spend money in order to enjoy this time of peace
3. Consider dress codes, participants, music, activities, food, etc to offer a deeper analysis than merely the "official message" of the holiday.
Country color's "red, white and blue"
Watch the firework show, eat hot dogs or fired food (barbecue's)
this shows how we are suppose to spend money on this day of peace and how we as America should consume more than an average person should on this day with fatty foods. To celebrate the freedom of the while people and not all of us and to draw away their freedom with cheaper products on "sale" and flashy fireworks. Spend time with your family and enjoy the freedom which we have today.
4. Explore contradictory messages within the holiday.
All people are "free" in America from this day on, but it was only attended for white males by the fathers of America, not every race or gender only a small group of people.
Go against oppression but people every day is being oppressed by others in America and we can't fight back against it.
5. Identify aspects of our culture's emphases on "the good and meaningful life" that receive support or challenge from the holiday you've selected.
Be free and don't let the system hold you down. (marginal message) like MLK day to fight against oppression. Like most hoiladays to spend time with your family but to spend it shopping is to spend time away, unless you have family shopping.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas Break
Through out my Christmas break i spent it with my family and "giving" stuff for to each other while enjoying the free time away from school. Looking at all the lazy people in the world and seeing how they can't change their life styles even if they wanted to. i spent a lot of time with my family traveling around and helping out preparing for the new year, talking to my relatives that i haven't seen in a while and learning whats new in their lives and what to expect in the future. By spending time with my friends i also looked at how people changed when they are outside of school, how things will never be different no matter how i looked at it.
This break give me a lot of time to think about what i do and what is coming up int he new year that i never got to finish last year, thinking about people's silly question about what's your new years resolution. I never had one before no matter how much it think of it, for the new years setting a goal for yourself is stupid in my view because of how much things can changed because of one incident. My break was sorta different this year because of all the new things happening and all the little details everyone misses.
By looking at my break i can see how many people don't have the "Christmas spirit" that they tell people to give since they always are missing something. This world has became a giving world to give things to others but you expect things in return and better things then what you gave. This is shown in many shows of how people expect this ""items" from "Santa" then what you gave this "Santa". that's why i wanted to change it because it's not what i get that makes me happy its to make others happy that makes me happy, not caring about what you get is what i think would be meaningful because humans today want more and more but thinking what to get others with no restraints is best for the world.
New years is a little weird because instead in 2009 they want to make history for a new president who people say made history being the first "black" president but he isn't totally black he is half white and that's not really new history. its just a white guy who is half black becoming the new president. I don't get why people want so many new things and the old things aren't good enough, in my family we got a lot of new stuff like beds, sofa's clothes and a lot of new things but the old things were fine too so humans need something "new" to make their lives meaningful like a "new" president.
This break give me a lot of time to think about what i do and what is coming up int he new year that i never got to finish last year, thinking about people's silly question about what's your new years resolution. I never had one before no matter how much it think of it, for the new years setting a goal for yourself is stupid in my view because of how much things can changed because of one incident. My break was sorta different this year because of all the new things happening and all the little details everyone misses.
By looking at my break i can see how many people don't have the "Christmas spirit" that they tell people to give since they always are missing something. This world has became a giving world to give things to others but you expect things in return and better things then what you gave. This is shown in many shows of how people expect this ""items" from "Santa" then what you gave this "Santa". that's why i wanted to change it because it's not what i get that makes me happy its to make others happy that makes me happy, not caring about what you get is what i think would be meaningful because humans today want more and more but thinking what to get others with no restraints is best for the world.
New years is a little weird because instead in 2009 they want to make history for a new president who people say made history being the first "black" president but he isn't totally black he is half white and that's not really new history. its just a white guy who is half black becoming the new president. I don't get why people want so many new things and the old things aren't good enough, in my family we got a lot of new stuff like beds, sofa's clothes and a lot of new things but the old things were fine too so humans need something "new" to make their lives meaningful like a "new" president.
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